1. あおむけ、片側の膝を曲げる。
  2. 踵を遠ざけるように膝を伸ばし、大腿の前に力を入れ、反対側の膝の高さまで下肢を上げ、5秒、止める。膝のお皿は天井を向く。
  3. ゆっくり下ろし、大腿四頭筋の力を抜く。

Straight Leg Raise

  1. Lie down on you back with your leg straight. The other leg bend with the foot flat.
  2. Squeeze your quad while straighten your knee and then Lift your leg up to the height of your opposite knee and Hold for 5 seconds . Your knee cap faces to the ceiling.
  3. The leg is slowly lowered and your quad is relaxed.